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Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - Printable Version

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Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - vito - 16-05-2016

Saturday morning did a quick check for squid, the scup were attacking the jigs like piranha. Needless to say no squid. Highlight of the morning was when a patch of weeds went floating by the boat with two yozurri squid jigs stuck in it, grabbed them as fast as I could!

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - SquidFox - 21-05-2016

I haven't has any luck with the squid yet but the Mackerel are in.

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - Kenzta - 21-05-2016

Hi Squidfox, where did you find the Mackerel?

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - Vule - 21-05-2016

Squidfox. Where did you go for squids and mackerel.

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - SquidFox - 21-05-2016

I fish for mackarel from Quincy to Provincetown, you can pretty much catch them all over cape Bay.

This particular catch was from Plymouth Bay. They are more abundance than squid and easier and faster to fill your cooler.

As far as squid I fish Nahant Bay, Hyannis, Edgartown, Provincetown, Newport and Jamestown. All from boat.

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - Gilligan - 24-05-2016

Got a report from a friend in Edgartown who said some friends had done well from the docks a night ago. I think the main assault is still to come.

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - SquidFox - 24-05-2016

Quote:Got a report from a friend in Edgartown who said some friends had done well from the docks a night ago. I think the main assault is still to come.

I agree with that report I heard the same

They do well at night at Edgartown.

It's not cool that some people like to benefit from this site info but wouldn't share. Look at how many people visit the thread, and how many actually contribute?

Thanks Gillian

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - Funsquidding - 24-05-2016

last week wood hole was nothing.I caught only a few which is close to edgardtown

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - vr4 - 24-05-2016

So what is the consensus -- are squid off of Hyannis done for this season? 

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - vito - 24-05-2016

Quote:I agree with that report I heard the same

They do well at night at Edgartown.

It's not cool that some people like to benefit from this site info but wouldn't share. Look at how many people visit the thread, and how many actually contribute?

Thanks Gillian

Very true

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - joefish11494 - 25-05-2016

Squid were great in edgartown. Got about 150 lbs from 9-12. All from the dock

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - joefish11494 - 25-05-2016

Also im trying to find a thread that shows how to add a pic, but so far can find one

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - SquidFox - 25-05-2016

Quote:Also im trying to find a thread that shows how to add a pic, but so far can find one

Joefish, next to the (post ) button there is a (More reply options) click on that and choose file then attach file.

You may have to resize your pic to around 150k, by down load an app to do it or send it to your email also give you the option to down size your image.

That's how I've done it other members may have a better way.

Hope this help!

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - Funsquidding - 25-05-2016

Joefish. Do u have to take a ferry to get to Edgard town?

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - vr4 - 25-05-2016

When the squid are thick in edgertown, what does that mean for nantucket sound? Does anyone have any experience on what the migration patterns look like?


@Funsquidding -- yea it is on MV, so unless you live there you need to ferry over. 

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - Gilligan - 26-05-2016

Just got a phone call, a few guys hammering them at high noon from a dock in Edgartown  today, hot hand was getting a squid every cast with a single jig, another guy was getting  doubles with a hi-lo rig with a sinker on the end of his line. Big slaughter last night at all docks.  Ink's up!!

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - SquidFox - 27-05-2016

I am back in the game.

After 2 unsuccessful trips.

Last night at Edgartown 2 guys over 200lbs

Bring a lot of ice, water temp quite high

Both of my gps/fisher temp sensor 57 and 58 degree so it is quite warm. And air temperature around 70 degree.

Good lucks lady and gentlemen got my yearly quota. OffShore fishing now enough to bait and calamari for the year.

Thanks for all who contributed to where squid about. Time for me to go to clean the ink off the boat.

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - alaskanaturally - 27-05-2016

Quote:I am back in the game.

After 2 unsuccessful trips.

Last night at Edgartown 2 guys over 200lbs

Bring a lot of ice, water temp quite high

Both of my gps/fisher temp sensor 57 and 58 degree so it is quite warm. And air temperature around 70 degree.

Good lucks lady and gentlemen got my yearly quota. OffShore fishing now enough to bait and calamari for the year.

Thanks for all who contributed to where squid about. Time for me to go to clean the ink off the boat.
That's a lot of calamari!!!!

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - vito - 06-06-2016

Any one still hearing anything about edgartown? Saw a truck on 495 headed off cape covered in ink.

Hyannis and Edgardtown Squid - Gilligan - 07-06-2016

Got squid from the dock every night from last tuesday to last night from E-town docks. Fri and Sat nights were slower action, but may have just been the time I was there. Squid also caught in Menemsha last few nights.