[quote name='reLapse' timestamp='1333144880' post='24191']
Bit immature to insult people isn't it?
Doesn't say much, that forum is full of lurkers.
Whats wrong with going out and discovering places on your own as i have done??
Not everyone has the time for that.
[quote name='reLapse' timestamp='1333150376' post='24195']
Not everyone has the time for that.
Poor excuse, you have now collectively spent more than 10 minutes viewing and replying to this thread, time which coukd have been spent on google earth. Its not hard.
As I said I don't need help finding squid, I have a strong dislike for the spot x mentality and believe in helping people.
[quote name='reLapse' timestamp='1333156423' post='24199']
As I said I don't need help finding squid, I have a strong dislike for the spot x mentality and believe in helping people.
Go tell mickyd all your spots then, i am sure he will appreciate it.
He has gone quiet now though since he questioned if it 'did happen at all'
The google earth comment is extended his way aswell. No one told me ######, if your a keen fisho then you should be able to find spots on your own.
[quote name='Tribina' timestamp='1333159237' post='24204']
Go tell mickyd all your spots then.[/quote]
If people ask for help I'll give it.
[quote name='squidguy' timestamp='1333140084' post='24183']
I dont see why everyones having a fuss when Tribina dosent tell us a spot. When ojingo didn't no one cared
Because I posted a joke reply and people left it at that?
Besides, it's Port Hacking. The place is alive with squid etc, you don't need a spot.
But to cheer you up, try Lilli Pilli.
My PB came from there last August, there's a thread for it.
And since you've got a kayak, you'll have a better time that those stuck trying to fish off the wharf.
Edit: I've given locations before, including Yarra Bay to you before, so it's not like I haven't shared spots.
i know you have-without you i would have hardly caught any squid <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' />
You can also try St. George Sailing Club and the wharf at Peter Dependa Reserve.
Yeah but he has a kayak, so Lilli Pilli is still a good spot for him to try, as he can access spots others can't.
It's not like he can't take the yak to those places, it'll be a little bit quieter.
What happen to mickyd in all of this !! All u have to do is pull up at any beach in the east there will be 2 headlands/points one at each end of the beach get your rod and a couple of jigs take a mask and snorkel incase u catch a a bottom squid and go for a walk cast 10 times in all seaward directions and if nothing move 20mtrs and repeat and keep moving and changing jigs soon enough u will have a new spot of your own at least for a while ! Seriously anywhere frOm bondi to lapa and beyond
i could just get in my kayak and paddle down from the mouth of port hacking and chuck jigs in every patch of weed
thanks for the spots it will take ages for me to check them all out <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' />
i went to yarra today it was really quiet and i only got one squid <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' />
i saw two guys squidding next to me i was wondering if they were on this forum
[quote name='squidguy' timestamp='1333266613' post='24240']
i went to yarra today it was really quiet and i only got one squid <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' />
i saw two guys squidding next to me i was wondering if they were on this forum
How come you always fish down south if you are only in Newtown?
i dunno-i like botany bay <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' />
[quote name='squidguy' timestamp='1333273460' post='24243']
i dunno-i like botany bay <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol' />
Come out to the East haha im always there or up North, Balmoral, Spit and Manly usually produce pretty well.
How exciting. I went away for a week so couldn't post.
As an ex commercial fisherman and a life long recreational fanatic I love the comradary of fishing and fisherman. Earning a living from fishing high lighted the need for special spots but I will always help out a fellow angler with at least some direction. Tribina your tone is condescending and childish. I wasn't having a cry I just think like minded people can be supportive and helpful. I am a firm believer in confidence fishing. When your confident you catch more - guaranteed. So a little direction can make all the difference. I fish regularly at Clovelly, people wont know which rock i fish but can go to the area and give it a go with some better idea that the area produces. Tribuna with over 500 posts surely you know what people want to read. I might also add that I will not apologize for being passionate about squid on a squid web forum... Back to business. I was just in the USA got onto my first giant squid. Very different from our squid. I hooked and landed a 11 kg version that pulled hard and was in very deep water. I do however prefer our light line caught variety better. I will stop my rant now and look forward to more positive posts including my own.