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"Squid fishing"

Italian translation: [color="blue"]Pesca di calamaro[/color]

Dutch Translation: [color="blue"]Squid vissen[/color]

Portugese Translation: [color="blue"]Pesca de lula[/color]

"The world's biggest squid fishing community"

Italian Translation: [color="blue"]Il mondo comunità di pesca di calamaro la più grande[/color]

Spanish Translation: [color="blue"]La comunidad más grande de pesca de calamar de mundo[/color]

"Squid fishing" - [color="blue"]Psarema gia kalamaria [/color](greek)


"The world's biggest squid fishing community" -

[color="blue"]I megaliteri kinonia tou kosmou pou psareboune gia kalamaria [/color](greek)


"The Worlds Biggest Squid Fishing Community"

Russian Translation: [color="blue"]Община рыболовства кальмара world's самая большая[/color]Portugese: [color="blue"]A comunidade a mais grande da pesca do calamar de world's[/color]

"Squid Fishing"

Russian Translation: [color="blue"]Рыболовство Кальмара[/color]

Portugese: [color="blue"]Pesca Do Calamar[/color]

"Squid fishing"

:japan: Japanese translation: [color="blue"]"Egging"[/color] or [color="blue"]"Ika-zuri"[/color]

"Squid jig"

:japan: Japanese translation: [color="blue"]"Egi"[/color] or [color="blue"]"Ika-zuno"[/color]

Squid fishing

Indonesian: [color="blue"]Mancing cumi[/color]

Squid jig

Indonesian/Malaysian: [color="blue"]Jig cumi[/color]
"The world's biggest squid fishing community" in another languages is

(Spanish) [color="blue"]La comunidad más grande de pesca de calamar de mundo[/color]

(germen) [color="blue"]Der Welt der größte Tintenfisch fischend Gemeinschaft[/color]

(Italian) [color="blue"]Il mondo comunità di pesca di calamaro la più grande[/color]

cheers, andrew <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />
Japanese - English Translations

gyosen 漁船 - a fishing vessel

漁船 - fisherboat

イカ釣り漁船 - squid jigging boat [イカを集魚灯で集め、自動釣り機などを用いる漁業に従事する漁船]

ikatsuriki [自動] イカ釣り機 - [automatic] squid-angling machine.

イカ釣り擬餌(ぎじ) - squid jig

squid jig - n.スクイッド・ジグ、イカ型ジグ、イカに似せた擬餌[針]] [lureの一種].

squid- n.(pl. ~, ~s) [動]


イカ餌 [(1)イカの身餌; (2)イカに似せた擬餌[針]];




squid angling - イカ釣り漁業

Source - [url="http://www.oceandictionary.net/"]http://www.oceandictionary.net/[/url]
Japanese - English Translations

スルメイカ / Todarodes pacificus / Squid

トビイカ / Symptetotouthis ovalaniensis / Ryuku squid

ホタルイカ / Watasenia scintillans / Firefly squid

シリヤケイカ / Sepiella japonica / Japanese spineless cuttlefish

アオリイカ / Sepioteuthis lessoniana / Bigfin reef squid

コウイカ / Sepia esculenta / Cuttle fish

ケンサキイカ / Loligo edulis / Swordtip squid

ヤリイカ / Doryteuthis bleekeri / Arrow squid

Source - [url="http://www.tokyo-u-fish.ac.jp/home/sokjin/korika.pdf"]http://www.tokyo-u-fish.ac.jp/home/sokjin/korika.pdf[/url]
Some common names for squid


Danish - blaeksprutte

Japanese -ika

Dutch - inktvis

Norwegian - blekksprut

French - calmar, encornet

Portugese - lula

German - Kalmar

Spanish - calamare

Icelandic - smokkfisk, kolkrabbi

Swedish - bläckfisk, kalmar

Italian - calamaro

Turkish - lübje

Yugoslav - lignja
I have just visited a nice site (in french):


It seems to me that the following terms translate as follows:

La calamarette = Squid jag (baited jig)

La turlutte = Squid jig

(i hope someone can confirm if this is correct)
squid jig = TINTENFISCHKÖDER (German)
Кальмар = Squid (Russian)
Local Names for Loligo vulgaris:

ALGERIA: Kalmar; BULGARIA: kalmar CYPRUS: Kalamari; EGYPT: Sobbeit

FRANCE: Encornet; GREECE: Kalamari; ITALY: Calamaro; LIBYA: Habbar; MALTA: Klamar; MONACO:

Totanu; MOROCCO: Calamar; SPAIN: Calamar; TUNISIA: Mettik; TURKEY: Kalmar; USSR: Kalmar;


Local Names Loligo uyii:

CHINA: Yau jai.

Local Names Loligo (Doryteuthis) singhalensis:

CHINA: Cheung woo chak, Cheung yau


Source: [url="ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/009/ac479e/AC479E17.pdf"]ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/009/ac479e/AC479E17.pdf[/url]
ไดท์หมึก = dai mèuk = squid fishing (Thailand)
ปลาหมึก = bplaa mèuk = squid (Thai)
Hi everyone, I was just talking to a chinese guy online and he gave me the following translations of "squid", cuttlefish" and "octopus".

Quote:"Squid" means (乌贼/墨鱼/花枝) or (鱿鱼/柔鱼/枪乌贼)

"Octopus" means (章鱼/八爪鱼)

"Cuttlefish" means (乌贼/墨鱼/花枝)

(*/*/*) or (*/*) means one kind of creature, but it has three or two names in Chinese.

乌贼-wu zei

墨鱼-mo yu

花枝-hua zhi

鱿鱼-you yu

柔鱼-rou yu

枪乌贼-qiang wu zei

ç« é±¼-zhang yu

八爪鱼-ba zhua yu


1.Chinese do not use pin yin that much, use han zi is better.

2.鱿鱼 is the most delicious one.
Squids are such rare phenomenon to catch in video and it is high time we start exploring this possibility to a great extent.Post some rare picture sor clips of squid catching.I have heard that squids are found usually in waters near Newzealand or Japan.Where can we find them other than these two places ?


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