Time: Around 4pm to 10pm
Where: Busellton Jetty, Busellton, Western Australia
Lure: Bright orange and yellow squid jigs for $5 at local tackle shop.
The catch: 14 big size squids.
Line: Hand Line, no need for rod.
Tip: Bring warm clothes and have fun.
[quote name='techngo' date='Nov 6 2004, 02:02 PM']Time: Around 4pm to 10pm
Where: Busellton Jetty, Busellton, Western Australia
Lure: Bright orange and yellow squid jigs for $5 at local tackle shop.
The catch: 14 big size squids.
Line: Hand Line, no need for rod.
Tip: Bring warm clothes and have fun.
<img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/as.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' /> busso jetty the second best place to catch squid
second only to albay w a as squid are bigger
all the best grub
Busselton Squid Report
Quote:Johansen also visited the jetty with his squid jig and brought in a half-dozen in just 20 minutes. Huge samson fish have raided jetty waters from time to time, with the squid making themselves scarce during these raids.
November 17, 2008
Since the Busso jetty has been closed now for a couple of months going to tow the boat down next week and have a crack a crack at the squid which should be nice and eager to jump on my jigs since they have been left alone by the landbased guys so get ready to see some thumper sized squid take down the usual arsnal of jigs and my new outfit saltiga ocean jigger matched to a daiwa esmeraldas reel
sounds good. let us know how it goes. pics would be good! <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' />
How did you go Nath, did you end up going? The weather has been pretty crappy for so long now and no let-up in sight.
I'm looking forward to getting out again too.
I'm in Bunbury if you want to hook up together one day.
At last I was able to put the tinny in the water at Busselton today.
Our weather of late has been foul to say the least but today was a beauty.
The water was pretty silty as to be expected with the constant 40 - 50kt onshore winds we have been having every day for the past couple weeks but I was able to put my jig within sight of a few nice ones today.
I got 8 all up, the biggest had a 280mm tube, next was 260mm, then down to 200mm the smallest.
I forgot to take my camera today hence the backyard shots.
As an aside, when I was cleaning them, one had stuff inside like little eggs about the size of large rice grains.
Are they eggs?
I've never seen them before. They were not in a sac, just loose when I turned the tube insideout.
All in all a happy day for me.
nice work neil! i think i have seen those small rice things as well. Maybe they are eggs sacks in early development? not sure.
Neil, bloody ripper squid mate. Top stuff! Also yes those "rice" looking things are eggs, i always feel bad when cleaning squid and there are loads of eggs. In saying that though squid only have a short life span of 1-2 years so don't feel too bad.
What squid jigs were you using?
Hey guys,
Went to Busselton Jetty this evening. There were heaps of squid around though they were not very keen takers for our jigs.
We still managed to get 9 squid between myself and the wife. Was lots of fun. What a beautiful place.
Cheers, Glen
havent seen a squid here for a while, only time was at the shops haha, oh and peeking in the fridge at some scraps for bait !
[quote name='glen' timestamp='1300634192' post='21755']
Hey guys,
Went to Busselton Jetty this evening. There were heaps of squid around though they were not very keen takers for our jigs.
We still managed to get 9 squid between myself and the wife. Was lots of fun. What a beautiful place.
Cheers, Glen
Are you still around Busso Glen, I am in Bunbury and never mind an opportunity to go squidding. Give me a yell & I'll bring the tinny down.
I went out deepwater (25 - 35m) fishing on Sunday, never caught one fish but got 6 nice squid.<img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' />. After getting a few following baits up we tried a couple jigs and got them.
Also got a few Cuttlies too.
Cheers Neil
Going to busso over easter and looking foward to getting some squid, I go out in a canoe and throw a handline over my shoulder as I paddle, works pretty good though once had a north west blowfish crush one of my jigs.
[quote name='KayaKoded' timestamp='1303237146' post='21971']
Going to busso over easter and looking foward to getting some squid, I go out in a canoe and throw a handline over my shoulder as I paddle, works pretty good though once had a north west blowfish crush one of my jigs.
I hope you have your accomodation booked, the place will go "ape" this weekend, the population goes from around 24,000 to 60,000 over Easter.
If you can get near the water you should clean up with that method, they ARE there and if the water is clear you will get them.
Have fun
Got back today but the fishing over the holiday was mixed, went out on the friday and caught 8 good ones in the space of one and a half hours but the weather blew in over saturday and sunday and put a lot of sediment in the water, didnt get any after that. The 8 I caught were put to good use as an entree for the twelve of us who were down for the holiday, cut, scored, rolled in flour and fried for a few minutes and served with a garlic, lemon and pepper yoghurt dipping sauce. Looking foward to my next visit.....
[quote name='KayaKoded' timestamp='1303830059' post='22069']
Got back today but the fishing over the holiday was mixed, went out on the friday and caught 8 good ones in the space of one and a half hours but the weather blew in over saturday and sunday and put a lot of sediment in the water, didnt get any after that. The 8 I caught were put to good use as an entree for the twelve of us who were down for the holiday, cut, scored, rolled in flour and fried for a few minutes and served with a garlic, lemon and pepper yoghurt dipping sauce. Looking foward to my next visit.....
I went to Busselton yesterday showing rellys around. At about 12 noon ish I saw a couple 'yaks slowly making their way in towards Pt Geograph Marina, wasn't you by chance?
Cheers Neil