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Full Version: Daily Limits May Be Needed For Giant Humboldt Squid
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Daily limits may be needed for giant Humboldt squid

Peter Ottesen of "The Record", CA recently published a piece on 27 Feb 2006 regarding the large catches of humboldt squid being taken by some recreational anglers and he explained that there is now a call (from both charter boat skippers and sport anglers) for dailly catch limits.

Quote:"How many of these huge squid do you need," asked Roger Thomas, a charter boat skipper and president of the Golden Gate Fishermen's Association. "Once we get three squid per angler, we pull up and head home. I hear some boats are allowing passengers to catch upwards of 15 to 17 squid, but that seems excessive, to me. They couldn't possibly eat all of them."

Quote:Giant squid trips run out of Monterey, Half Moon Bay, Emeryville and Bodega Bay and cost between $75 and $80 per angler. They've taken on greater prominence since salmon and rockfish seasons won't open until April 18 and July 1, respectively.
