just went to yorkes over easter
no squid anywhere
have been to cape jervis and pt noarlunga a few times recently too, not a bite
i have not seen a squid for a few months now
SA has been squidded out
time for a new hobby
Its just a bad time for squidding in SA, mate. Wait till Oct/Sept it will pick up again. They are still getting a few at Marino, etc. off Adelaide!
Hi guys, been reading this site for ages and I'm missing more recent reports from SA. I want more, haha.
I thought it was a bit hypocritical of me to expect more reports and not post some myself though.
I live only a 2 minute drive from Pt Noarlunga and while it's probably one of my least favourite spots, it gets visited very regularly from me just due to distance. I also happen to be woken up at about 5am every day by my girlfriend who needs a lift to the train station to get to work, so this puts me on the water early morning almost every day, so I'll try and keep this thread as up to date as possible as for what I catch.
I think its a better idea for me to keep all my reports in this one thread because otherwise you'll soon have 100 new Pt Noarlunga threads for each update haha.
Went down to the jetty at about 7.20am. Wanted to go earlier but had no jigs left so had to wait for the tackle store to open. Anyway I ended up buying one of the Jarvis Walker blinking jigs, that have a red light inside that blinks when its in the water. I wasn't sure if it would make a difference but for $7 I figured it couldn't hurt to try it out.
Within 15 minutes of being there I landed a squid. Immediately after this though it started pouring down with rain so I went home. So I'm not sure if it was luck or whether I could've caught more, its a shame I hadn't taken a rain jacket.
Went back down there at about 4.30pm but the wind was too extreme and made it impossible to even cast let alone jig.
hey david, thanks for the squid report and welcome to the forum!
look forwarding to hearing about the next trip!
tight lines, cheers, glen <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' />
I've been fiending to go out again lately for more squid but we're having some insane winds down here at the moment. I probably could attach a sinker and still go for it but the water conditions would make the squid far between and it isn't all that fun standing on a jetty while the wind totally cains you haha.
In the meantime I've been browsing squid jigs online. I'm looking for some sort of bulk cheapy pack as I tend to lose cheap jigs almost every trip so wouldn't mind stocking up. I know I could just be more careful with them but oh well.
Went down around 5am. Wind was dead but there was a fair bit of swell in the water and it was quite murky. Wasn't expecting much but thought it wouldn't hurt to have a try anyway. I cast 2 lines into the water then I got my float on my handreel into the water too.
It all went wrong from there it seems. I reeled in my first line and the jags had been completely ripped off of the jig. Reeled in the second and the exact same thing. Then i pulled in the handline and the swivel it was attached too had been ripped in half.
There was no tension I could see or feel on any of the lines so I'm really confused to what happened, especially with the float.
So 10 minutes after arriving I was walking away because I'd lost all 3 of my jigs.
[quote name='davidbloop' post='13830' date='Mar 5 2009, 10:37 PM']
Went down around 5am. Wind was dead but there was a fair bit of swell in the water and it was quite murky. Wasn't expecting much but thought it wouldn't hurt to have a try anyway. I cast 2 lines into the water then I got my float on my handreel into the water too.
It all went wrong from there it seems. I reeled in my first line and the jags had been completely ripped off of the jig. Reeled in the second and the exact same thing. Then i pulled in the handline and the swivel it was attached too had been ripped in half.
There was no tension I could see or feel on any of the lines so I'm really confused to what happened, especially with the float.
So 10 minutes after arriving I was walking away because I'd lost all 3 of my jigs.[/quote]
Hey mate,
Seems that these jigs didnt pass the QC, what did you use? you might have just missed a few monster cuttlefish <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' />
wooden jigs could be bitten in half by big fish, but if the hook/jags got pulled out then it sounds like the work of a squid or cuttlefish. if you were on the line and felt nothing, the hooks could have just fall out in a cast... and the broken swivel is definitely a indication of poor quality <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' /> if you still have some of these jigs, try to pull it and see how steady they are (and dont fish with them again <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' /> ).
Ah thats no good to hear, thats a really odd story though. Crazy stuff, I can't remember the last time i went squiding and i'm missing it terribly. Just started uni so its not looking like i'm going to get to go for a while <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' /> Keep up the reports though, its always fantastic to hear about it because i love everything squid!
All the jigs were Jarvis Walker, I get them purely because I lost my job recently and now my cash flow really only allows $2.95 jigs, unless I skip dinner haha.
Anyway, I ordered some jigs off of ebay, some Kamikaze ones and something else, keen to try them out.
Went down around 5am this morning. I had not bought any new jigs but tried to fix my old ones with glue and some spare jags. I managed to fix to what I thought would be good enough, 2 of my jigs. A cheap one and a flashing LED one. Anyway the wind had totally calmed down and I was keen as mustard to get out onto the water. Within about 10 minutes I'd snapped both lines. It seemed like it just wasn't my time for keeping jigs, glad I didn't buy a Yo-Zuri haha.
Anyway, girlfriend got home and she was also keen to head out for some squid so she bought some more jigs for us and even a new reel for me since mine has started to ... well.... suck. We get out onto the jetty at about 6pm. By about 7pm I'd landed a decent size squid. By decent I purely mean for Pt Noarlunga, almost everything I have ever caught there has been tiny. About 20 minutes after that the gf landed one that was almost twice the size of mine. Things were looking good and not a single lost jig.
It all slowed down from there though we kept jigging that one spot until it got to about 9pm. We were starting to get impatient so I decided we'd move spots and fish shallower. This turned out to be a good decision as within 3 casts I was on. As I was pulling my line in, my girlfriend yells to me, she's on too. I quickly land mine, throw my jig back into the water then help her pull hers up. I get the jig out, she throws it back in and I go back to my rod.
Oh no..... I'm snagged. Tried everything I could to free it including the old sinker trick but no luck ended up snapping the line. I quickly started tying another jig on when the girlfriend had hooked another one so I went over to help. As soon as she was back into the water she got another one. I was getting excited and quickly tied my rig and threw it out.
From there on we got nothing. They all stopped as quickly as they came. I'm spewin I snagged during that sweet spot. On inspection of the squid it seems they mustve been using the shallow waters as a spawing ground at the time as we had 3 females full of eggs.
So we went home with 5 really decent size squid, probably about 1 kg each give or take. I know it isnt a huge catch but from the action I've seen down at Pt Noarlunga, I was really happy.
I'll upload a photo I took of me holding the first two squid we caught tomorrow, my phone is dead right now.
EDIT: Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I saw something on the jetty that I just couldn't believe. One guy caught a Trevally off the jetty that looked to be around 50cm. Really nice fish. Now I was amazed at the fact he caught it off of Pt Noarlunga jetty but where he caught it and how was what made me more suprised. He was using cockles and tiny hooks to try and catch tommies as baitfish. He was also right next to the beach and fishing in about 4ft deep of water, if that. When he hooked it he just got off the jetty, walked onto the beach and dragged it up. I was shocked to say the least.
[quote name='davidbloop' post='13830' date='Mar 5 2009, 08:37 PM']It all went wrong from there it seems. I reeled in my first line and the jags had been completely ripped off of the jig. Reeled in the second and the exact same thing. Then i pulled in the handline and the swivel it was attached too had been ripped in half.[/quote]
I've had the smae problem with the 5 for 1,000 yen packs. Sinkers fall of and jags pull out. Unfortunately, there is some truth to the old adage that you get what you pay for...
hey mate, only just started fishing at port nuralunga my self and no luck! local told me last night that 5 to 8 in the morning is the best time to be squidding. i recon my mate reeled in one of your jigs last night, we thought it was squid and was highly disappointed! haha. what time wqould you recommend to go squidding and on what tides? <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' /> plus is there any closer jettys to fish off closer to adelaide metro area?? cheers mate.
<img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' />
id say as far as adelaide metro jetties are concerned, Brighton is your best bet. If you go right down the end and cast out to the right you can see a weed bed, thats where the squid hang out. Only problem is it can get quite crowded.
I'd recommend that for squidding the best times are between 6am - 9am and 6pm - 9pm normally, although we caught our biggest amount after 9 last night so just goes to show how they don't always follow the rules <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' />.
One thing I'd like to mention though, is how getting out on the water everyday has really helped me build up my squidding technique. Quite a few times down there I've outfished people standing right next to me using baited jigs or Yo-Zuri's. I couldn't believe that my $2 jig was doing so well haha.
I had one guy with a green shrimphunter start chatting to me and he was watching me reel in squid one day so he asked if I minded if he fished alongside me. I said it was fine so he set out cast right near where I was jigging. I managed to land 3 squid and he had 0, although my technique was very different from his.
On other days though, I've caught 0 while it seems everyone else on the jetty has filled their bags. Squid it seems are very tempremental creatures and can't make up their minds.
Heading out there tonight, should have another report for you guys soon.
oh cheers mate thanks for ya help. im heading out there at 6 tomorrow morning is that a good time? <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' />
yep, thats a great time. I normally go from about 5.15 - 7
I went down there last night (08/03/09) with the girlfriend. There were heaps of people on the jetty going for squid but none in the shallower areas where I find I do the best so I didn't mind. Girlfriend managed to land one decent squid, not nearly as big as the ones we were getting the other night but still very much worth taking home to eat.
Went out fishing around the rocks of Pt Noarlunga this morning too, caught a Tommy and a Luderick. I had no idea what it was but I took it home because it was a decent size and had plenty of meat on it. Came home and researched what it was, thank god I had a legal size one haha.
Went down tonight with some new jigs I got off ebay. They were a bit large for my liking (ie. 4.0) but it was all I had so I thought I'd still give it a go. Fished from about 4.30pm - 7pm, then went back down at 8pm - 9pm. Didn't land a thing until it hit 9 oclock when I managed to nab one squid I saw hanging around near the surface.
I'm not sure if I was off or whether it was the jig itself or the size but I was pretty dissapointed. There were people either side of me catching them every few casts.
Anyway here's a picture of the jig, anyone got any jigs that are similar that can offer any opinions or advice as to where I was going wrong.
![[Image: cc79_1.JPG]](http://i11.ebayimg.com/04/i/001/08/c3/cc79_1.JPG)
i find that these hard bodied jigs don't work very well. the cloth covered ones are better.
also i think size 4 is too big in most situations. <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' />
ye they aren't the best jigs. I've already lost all 5 of them to snags haha, I'm terrible with snags. Out of those 5 jigs I caught one squid, and that was just lucky coz I could see him in the water so I targeted him specifically.
Got some more jigs off of ebay today going to give them a test tonight.
Here's a pic of them.
One thing I like is that these came with the bag to hold the jigs. Even if I lose all the jigs (which I will) I still get the handy bag <img src='http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' />
Well I've tested the new jigs and they seem to do the job nicely. Probably caught only about 3 squid on them so far but I think I've only been out twice since I got them. Also managed to land a decent cuttlefish the other day on a handline that i just let sink to the bottom below the jetty, went to reel it in at the end of the night and bam, cuttle.
Wind conditions have made it hard for me to get out, I really badly wanted to get out tonight, I've stayed up all night just waiting for it to calm down but now its 6am and I'm fiending for squid, not hard enough to stand in this high force wind though. The swell would've stirred the water up too much anyway as Pt Noarlunga is touchy at the best of times.
Well I have been itching to get out and go for some squid but the weather hasn't been permitting lately, but when I looked out the window at 1am this morning I knew I had to head down when the wind had stopped.
Chucked in a rod with some cuttlefish as bait hoping to get a Salmon Trout but it wasn't touched the entire time. Had a cheap orange jig 3.0 out too though (lucky I accidentally took the jig, I didn't mean to). After about 20 minutes as I was reeling in this massive weight hit the line. Now I normally know the tell tale signs of a squid or cuttle hanging on, but this thing was that heavy that I thought I'd snagged a huge clump of weed as it happens all the time. Anyway as I'm reeling it gets closer to the surface and then starts squirting ink. Turns out it was one remarkebly fat cuttle. He wasn't all that long, probably about 35cm long all up, but he was very wide and very fat and weighed a ton.
After about another 20 minutes as I was reeling in didn't feel any weight but as it turns out I had a tiny baby squid on the jag who was smaller than the jag itself. I'm not complaining though, into the freezer he goes for Snapper bait.
From there I got nothing, stayed until 4am then decided to head back. I was pretty happy though as I normally find for Squid, Pt Noarlunga is only worthwhile if you go at dawn and dusk as night sessions normally yield nothing for me.
Also took a video of the cuttlefish meat changing colours after it had been dead for over an hour and the meat put into the freezer for over half an hour. I thought it was pretty cool how active the skin still was after that period of time.