Can anyone xplain why squid can be caught in weymouth in october/november and yet can only be caught in brighton in april/may as there is such little relative distance between the 2 places?
I don't know your local circumstances but going from my local experience, I might be able to shed some light.
As far as big-finned reef squid are concerned, we have 2 seasons, basicly spring and autumn. In spring there are not many squid but they are big and coming in shore to spawn. They tend to be found in deeper channels or spawning in weed beds. Autumn squid tend to be very small but can be caught in great numbers. They were spawned in the spring and have spent there time feeding on anything tehy can get their tentecles on in the shallower protected areas. As the autumn season progresses they get bigger and are found in deeper water.
Localy there is also the human factor. In spring the local fishermen often set nets and very few squid reach the popular fishing points.
But I'm sure there are other local factors too.
Hi Egi Zed
Thanks for your response, I don't think we have the same situation over here in the UK, and I don't know but I think we only have one species of squid here. It is only 150 miles or so between the 2 locations. It may be that each of the areas is influenced by currents coming from opposing directions around our coastline but I don't know, so any more ideas?
150 miles is not so near. Certainly over here it isn't. I have a freind who lives and fishes roughly the same distance from me and the timing and size of his catches is very different to what we get here.