went down to Clifton gardens wharf a few days ago with my friends and my little brother. I caught sme very different spieces than usuall. Firstly my brother caught a red rock cod 20cm. There isnt a size limit but threw it back anyway. Then i caught a baby cobia which was really strange. Then we caught some strange rainbow fish with whiskers. After that we caught the same old baby snapper, Bream and leatherjacket. After an hour we finally went home with to good size leathjacket 35cm and a 32cm bream.
Hi Archilles,
I feel your pain with travelling mate I live in the western suburbs & regardless of where I go its atleast 1hr trip.
My best advice is to take note of where & when you go & of your sorrounding once you find the key indicators
you will have success everytime. This site will give you a starting point then you will need to get your technique
in order then you will find your own spot which will become your favourite or realiable spot & like someone else
said try other spots don't just rely on others to hand out information. If you support your local tackle store
they will help you with the relavant tools & information.
It has taken me a quite a few years to understand these buggers
Hope this help
1)What is it like on a typical sunday( is it busy)
2)If it is busy what are some other good fishing spots around the harbor that is accessible by public transport.
3)What fish should I expect to catch at Clifton gardens and what bait should I use.
4) At Clifton Gardens, is their a shop near by that sells bait and food.
[quote name='archilles' timestamp='1235605737' post='13779']
Hey all ,
I'm new to squidfish.net and boy is it a great site! Last week i tried Clifton gardens with my new jigs, caught nothing first time and 2 the second time ( after 3 hours)
Problem is i live in the Sutherland Shire and it takes me over an hour to get to Clifton gardens .
Could anyone recommend and good landbased spots on this side of the bridge i.e. not on the north ? I'm so keen i even purchased egimax hehe
I'd love a spot or spots that holds quite afew squid because i'm still an amateur and don't really know what i'm doing , so i need all the help i can get.
Because i'm landbased wharfs would be ideal - has anyone tried rosebay, watsons bay ?
I'm happy to fish nights and even very early mornings too
![[Image: smile.gif]](http://www.squidfish.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)
Any help would be greatly appreciated !
Mate, you dont have to go that far to get a few squid. Try Gymea baths , wallys wharf or Lilli pilli wharfs. If you put the time in at any of these 3 wharfs i gaurentee you will get squid!!! Good luck...
Yeah, if you can get a spot.
Worst display I've seen is 2 guys with 6 rods between them taking up the whole wharf at Lilli Pilli.
I was the late shift on this mission.
I arrived at Watsons bay at 5.50 and was determined to put some yakkas in my new bait tube or 'the palace' as the as the yakkas are now calling it.
I soaked a bit of bread in the water and there they were, i couldn't believe it. I set to work with the jig but these yakka wee tiny, about 120mm at the most.
It was my first time with a bait tube but after losing about 4, (through my scupper hole, bouncing off the side of the tube and swimming back out of the tube) i was starting to get the hang of it. i got half a dozen before moving on but while i was there a charter boat at the wharf was hauling in the slimies and bigger yakkas, they were using bait not jigs and it made a big difference.
They also kept seeing kingies chase their bait away but i looked at all the boats and pylons and thought better of it.
So i set off trolling with a couple of different offering, one hard and one soft both of which i had bought with a guarantee that they would catch kings.
I trolled past a couple of markers and past the wedding cake on my way to clifton gardens.
When i got there i could see Ken making a run for it but i caught up for a quick chat with Gatesy before he left.
My plastic was just a stub that ended at the hook when i pulled it in so i changed that and dropped down my yakka ( the dam thing nearly died when it saw the hook ).
There was a definite disproportion between the size of my yakka and the size of the hook but i hoped the fish would be hungry enough not to notice.
I saw my yakkas freaking out a few times but other than that the squid eat them all.
The one day i didn't take a squid jig and i was plagued by them. I spent 20 mins trying to catch one of the little b*stards, i tried to gaff it, i tried to grab it (i did touch it), attached a few treble hooks to the yakka but i still couldn't get it.
Anyway with all my livies gone i was still determined win a profish so i headed off trolling for middle head.
Nothing on the surface anywhere and the wind had picked up but i had to get a fish.
I headed off around middle head which so so choppy every second wave came over the yak and there was an unbelievable amount of rubbish.
I finally got around the corner and put on a deep diver as i headed into Balmoral to see if i could get a flatie. Trolled over towards the beach and then thought i had better brave the paddle back to Watsons bay.
The paddle back was a tough one but as i made it back across the channel i got a second wind and thought i would try the sow and pigs and a couple of other markers but still zip
I trolled all the way in to the beach still in denial that i could have been out on the water for 6 hours and got nothing
oh well a great day for a paddle (maybe a bit shorter) and the bait tube works.
I'll post the tube pics up in a few days.