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[quote name='squidjigdotcom' timestamp='1292621805' post='21125']
My assumption, the difference between Kingston and Edmonds is due to location. Along the East side of Puget Sound, there are numerous rivers, and especially during winter, we have extra high flows of dirty water. This likely makes less than ideal conditions for the squid "dirty water, lower salinity due to fresh water influx". JUST MY OPINION
That makes complete sense. All that Kingston has in the way of freshwater input is a few scattered smaller streams. Carpenter creek dumps into the sound right near the Kingston marina and dock so when we get heavy rains the water still gets murky and squid still become scarce. However, the smaller streams have a tendency to clear up faster. As i mentioned in an earlier post, the water near kingston is already loosing it's turbidity from the recent rains. I have noticed a strong correlation in the past - both in winter and summer squid seasons - between the water clarity and presence of squid. In the winter time squid disappear after heavy rains and in the summer i have noticed that the usual July and august algae blooms that cloud up the water also put a stop to productive squid fishing. i know that lower salinity was postulated as a reason for keeping the Humboldt squid from migrating further into Puget Sound than the Seiku area. it seems highly probable to me that our market squid may also share this salinity sensitivity.
[quote name='Waitin4ink' timestamp='1292621057' post='21124']
Your info is great!!! Thanks for your help. I just realized we have been fishing in the other side of Kingston, the Edmonds pier, and the result is completely different. I've been there numerous time expecting some good night but always come back disappointed. We got generators and lights but they are no help most of the time we end up with a couple for 3-4 hours. Really wish we can head to the other side and see if the catch is that good. Well, good luck to you. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbsup2:' />
I know i have heard good reports from Edmond in the past, so I'm not sure what to make of the general feeling of disappointment i have pick up about that location.
one other key difference between Kingston and Edmond is that Edmond is more exposed. The Kingston pier is not only in a relatively protected cove, it is also surrounded by structure. on one side there is the marina and breakwater and on the other you have to ferry terminal and docks. All of these also have multiple light sources that shine into the water which may have that added benefit.
That being said, there is only so much you can say about one spot versus another that isnt merely speculation when it comes to the actual results. like i have said Kingston has been a bust for me the last few nights.
like most fish or crab they use the tide move in position for feeding, cause the tide does all the work,
Kingston, Appletree Cove, Washington
Local time: 2010-12-18 12:58 PM PST
Tide chart: Kingston, Appletree Cove, Washington
look bottom and copy paste,,,,,,from this tide chart with wave graph id say best time to squid at kingston sunday morning at 4 am to 9 am,, right now at 1pm is 10 foot high and 1 foot low at 9 pm "8 hour tide" then a 11 foot high at 4:40 am "7 hour tide" so a lot of water moving around stirring stuff up 4:40 am to 9:30 am a low of 9 foot from a high of 11 foot "5 hour tide"
then at 2 pm sunday a high of 11 feet from 9 feet "5+ hour tide" then 2 pm to 9:30 is 1 foot low and 8 hours long so lots of fast water with 10 foot drops and rising stirring stuff up and the tide is leaving hold over water full of all kinds of things to eat giving squid slow moving water for the next tide find the tide hours 6,6,6,6 8,7,5,4 lower numbers are tides u wanna fish not fast moving water with huge tide differences this works for all fish dont fish bottom fish at max ebb of max flood, low mean water and slack water, crab move to beach on high flood and retreat with ebb. no matter what tide hours if you catching add 50 minutes to the next day catching at 9pm than a week later you be fishing at 3 or 4 in morning to keep up with them
Went out to Kingston this morning to try an early morning bite. I dropped line a little after 0500. Stayed until 0730. Brought home an even dozen, all varying in size. while not a quick and furious catch it was enough to keep my interest while i was there. I'm thinking I'll try tomorrow at 0400. Kind of neat to be cleaning squid in the daylight.
As an aside, If we could all remember to take our trash with us. I've noticed a lot of trash laying on the dock since word got out/fishing got better. I'm as guilty as anyone for dropping stuff or losing a wrapper from my pocket, but I've been carrying a lot of trash away that wasn't mine. Public areas only stay public as long as we all do our part....especially when the gubment is short on funds.
weird tides and lunar eclipse thought something was up
hit Kingston this morning 12/22 4am-7ish. took home only two squid. less than what i expected for sure. not sure if i caught the tail end of a bite when i first arrived or if i just got luck with those two.
Seems ive been missing the squid lately at kingston making my trips out a little lack luster in comparison to the easy limits of a few weeks ago. at least i am still pulling squid out of the freezer from those trips when i want it.
i wonder if TinyTech can tell me if it got any better after i left?
im thinking tomorrow night just after dark for my next attempt. this time frame seems to be able to produce a consistent dozen or so for me so long as the tides are not extremely low.
Hello All,
Coming home to Seattle for a few days for Christmas. Has anyone been down to the waterfront or Des Moines? Looks like a lot of you have been going to Kingston and Edmonds. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!
8 small ones at las davies last night.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/fishing.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rod:' />
[quote name='tfish0788' timestamp='1293096548' post='21166']
hit Kingston this morning 12/22 4am-7ish. took home only two squid. less than what i expected for sure. not sure if i caught the tail end of a bite when i first arrived or if i just got luck with those two.
Seems ive been missing the squid lately at kingston making my trips out a little lack luster in comparison to the easy limits of a few weeks ago. at least i am still pulling squid out of the freezer from those trips when i want it.
i wonder if TinyTech can tell me if it got any better after i left?
im thinking tomorrow night just after dark for my next attempt. this time frame seems to be able to produce a consistent dozen or so for me so long as the tides are not extremely low.
I left with 3. I think you and I were hitting the ones that were there. I've noticed before with small catch rates that the few we get happen at the same time, then nothing. The time and tide seemed right, could have just been all the weird lunar stuff. I spent the rest of the day looking for crab at Indianola with limited success.
[quote name='TinyTech' timestamp='1293145527' post='21169']
I left with 3. I think you and I were hitting the ones that were there. I've noticed before with small catch rates that the few we get happen at the same time, then nothing. The time and tide seemed right, could have just been all the weird lunar stuff. I spent the rest of the day looking for crab at Indianola with limited success.
are you using squid guts for crab bait? it works really good in my experience. i bait my pots for dungees with squid guts, salmon heads when i have them, any fish parts from anything fresh or saltwater, horse clams, sometime cat food if im going to soak them for a long time. But you kind of have to get out deeper than any of the local piers will get you to get dungees, i have caught a few at indianola though.
Greetings! New member here. Went to Edmonds at 3am and the aquarium waterfront at around 5am... no luck between me and 5 others. This was 12/22. I went tonight, came back with 10 squid off of Alki! Also went to Des Moines, nothing.. and too windy.
Anyway, happy squidding!
[quote name='era86' timestamp='1293185898' post='21173']
Greetings! New member here. Went to Edmonds at 3am and the aquarium waterfront at around 5am... no luck between me and 5 others. This was 12/22. I went tonight, came back with 10 squid off of Alki! Also went to Des Moines, nothing.. and too windy.
Anyway, happy squidding!
hi era! welcome to squidfish! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
Merry Christmas squidders! Got back from Edmonds again and Aquarium docks downtown... came up short. I think I'm missing something... haha
crab bait for commercial pots are pound of squid pound of herring and the best thing is a razor clam but needs to be broke in half to open the stomach up
Hey , was at DeMonies last ight checking it out around 8- 9 PM everybody seem to have at least a couple pounds of seemingly large Squids, One even commented that earlier between 5:30 and 7 PM the Squids were giving out Christmas bonus.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' /> .I'll be there tonight. Hope to see someone there. One thing I should mention, its qiute a show when you see those Fhilppinos chasing squids up and down the peir. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/moped.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':moped:' />
HOWDY! New here to the forums but I love fishing and being the Puget Sound for the last 5 years and only going for freshwater in the Cascades and on the Eastside I thought I'd try out some squidding. I've been out to Ivar's in Mukilteo and there are always people out on the dock but I believe they're going for crab and fish. Is the pier any good for squid or should I be looking further south?
Just got back from the Seattle aquarium pier, caught two tiny squid, (about 3"). Gonna head to Sears and get a light and some gear. Any recommendations? Also, I'll be the loner with the black Northface hoodie. Come say hi to me if ya see me hahaha
Edit: wow don't say hi to me at Sears, say hi to me at the docks tomorrow. haha
[quote name='tfish0788' timestamp='1293162102' post='21170']
are you using squid guts for crab bait? it works really good in my experience. i bait my pots for dungees with squid guts, salmon heads when i have them, any fish parts from anything fresh or saltwater, horse clams, sometime cat food if im going to soak them for a long time. But you kind of have to get out deeper than any of the local piers will get you to get dungees, i have caught a few at indianola though.
Everything that comes out of or off of my squid goes into a baggy and into the freezer for crab bait. It sure makes a difference, this is the first time I've used squid for bait and I'll never go without it again. I also add something else (salmon carcass or chicken, whatever I have) so the crabbies have something else to munch on.
I've had a couple keeper dungeness off Kingston. Most of my success has come from Indianola...though things are getting a little tougher now. I usually throw my pot out as far as I can, then I use a heavy surf rod to cast a snare out. The surf rod/snare combo has made the difference. I get the bait into deeper water and that much closer to the drop off.
keep in mind that using game fish for crab bait "salmon" is illegal. dont matter what you put in pot it wont fish unless it there for 18 hours, best thing is clams, best chance of getting crabs is find a mussel for bait and let the pot soak for a week then come back and get your crab when its full <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' /> nothing but jumbos, keep in mind that squid is 65 cents a pound in 25 pound boxes
How has the tacoma squid fishing been?<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/images2.jpg' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

q:' />
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