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the squid are coming in. went out to pier 86 on 11.16 around 7pm or so, dropped my jig in and within a minute or so, i catch one. stayed until about 10pm and came home with about 20 2-3 inch size squid. not very big but it was my most productive night of squiding. get on out there and catch some.
Which is the best pier on the Seattle side (86, aquarium, etc) to hit if one doesn't have a light/generator? Sounds like its about time to get out there!
Tried Kingston last night, caught two squid in the deepest darkest spot. the tide was super low. I think i'm going to wait for higher tides at night before i try it again maybe real early Monday - Tuesday, or wait till after turkey day. Anyone have any advice / ideas about how tides effect their squid fishing?
[quote name='tfish0788' timestamp='1290239870' post='20930']
Tried Kingston last night, caught two squid in the deepest darkest spot. the tide was super low. I think i'm going to wait for higher tides at night before i try it again maybe real early Monday - Tuesday, or wait till after turkey day. Anyone have any advice / ideas about how tides effect their squid fishing?
Tide is probably the biggest factor in squid fishing. The incoming high tide in early evening has been the best for me, and I wouldn't even try low tide nights excepy for Seacrest Pier, where the water is much deeper than other spots. Occasionally you catch some squid at low tide, but you have to be very lucky... I'd wait till next week.
It's about that time of the Year.."Gonna git me some SNOW SQUIDS...Gick gick gick" <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/w00t.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':woot:' />
Went out to Kingston tonight. I was out just before dark, my wife and the neighbor girls came out around 6. After five minutes my wife pulled in one nice squid, and that was it for the night.The wind was really blowing and I'm starting to think that messes things up there. Kingston is relatively shallow and it seems when things go well there it is kind of calm. We'll try it again tomorrow night.
went to les davis lastnight did really well 40 plus.... used green and pink squid candy jigs first time i have used them seems to be a great jig so far. Bring a generator and heat not a warm dock lots of people... wisper when u get a squid or you will have a ton of new friends comming to stand by you!
[quote name='calimari' timestamp='1290904251' post='20958']
went to les davis lastnight did really well 40 plus.... used green and pink squid candy jigs first time i have used them seems to be a great jig so far. Bring a generator and heat not a warm dock lots of people... wisper when u get a squid or you will have a ton of new friends comming to stand by you!
that wasnt a wisper
Went to Les Davis Pier tonight it was slow but ended up with 9.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/innocent.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' />
nice work!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/xyxthumbs.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
Went out to Kingston 11/28. The night would have been a total bust however a couple I had spoken with before were down at the dark end of the dock and pulling squid in. They invited me down and I saw why. The end of the dock is deeper than the lighted areas. This was resolved with a floating pool light. They each caught a limit of squid within an hour and a half. In the 20 mins I was there I pulled in 20 or so and a few more after they left ending the night with 31. My catch averaged about 8" in length with about five of those 10" or more. The squid were not choosy about jig colour, size or depth that night.
11/28 I Also benefited from the pool light, ended up with 22 and i didnt even show up until they were leaving. i only got three while the light was still in the water.
Tonight, 11/30, i fished Kingston not expecting much as the tide was very low. i fished for about 45 min without any luck and decided to get some dinner. i made it back to the dock at around 8 and the tide hadn't changed much but the wind that was there before was gone and that seemed to do the trick! low tide and all i managed 3 dozen in the next hour and a half. they were all sizes two or three were no bigger than the jig i was using, all the way up to some near 10 inches. most were in the 6-7 inch range. i left just before 10 but the squid didn't, i caught three within a minute of when i left. i hated to leave with it as good as it was but i needed to clean the ones i had and try an get to be before midnight. I saw something new tonight, under the lights i watched the squid attack shiner perch, sometimes the squid and perch were the same size but the squid always won.
Another productive night at Kingston. i was greeted by a school of squid as soon as i got on the dock in what seemed like 2-3 feet of water, they were easily spooked though an i only got one. so i headed deeper and managed two dozen from 6:30-8. i probably would have caught more but i spent much of the time fooling around and experimenting with new set ups and jigs. i did manage to catch a few on a jig i made. i made another one that the squid seemed to love, they where nailing it like crazy but they wouldn't stay on i think my hooks are too dull on that one, they kept popping of right at the surface of the water.
After a nice weekend of sharing some calamari with my girlfriend's family i decided it was time to restock. So, out to the Kingston pier i went and restock i did. I got there around 6:30 and pulled in a limit in just over an hour. It was calm, flat, and the squid were more than cooperative. the only downside is all the cleaning of the squid i had to do all by myself - i'm a little sore. most of the squid were good sized 8 inches or bigger.
nice work!!! you just need to get the girlfriend interested in cleaning squid! hahaha ....not so easy!
Went to Les Davis bout 3AM to 8AM...Rained most o the time there..Brought home 64 squid..It's been like that lately..Now I gotta get Tfish's girlfriend to clean them..hehehe
right on, there here <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

' /> what color jigs? any at the surface?
they only came to the surface when the seal was chasing them..the wanker..small green or pink or red jigs
Whent to Las Davies tonight ended up with 15.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='

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30 friday morn...20 saturday morn..Les Davis
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